Ortodoncija je grana stomatologije koja se bavi dijagnozom, prevencijom i lečenjem nepravilnosti zuba ili viličnih struktura.

Malokluzija – loš zagrižaj se dešava kad zubne ili vilične strukture ne mogu da se pravilno slože zajedno, da prilegnu jedna na drugu pravilno. Malokluzije mogu da prouzrokuju poteškoće u govoru, prevremeno trošenje zuba i zaštitne gleđi i da uvećaju šanse za oboljenje zuba i viličnog zgloba.



Ortodontske nepravilnosti se uglavnom tretiraju protezama (ortodontskim aparatima). One su obično izrađene od žice zakačene za sićušne metalne ploče ili plastični kalup. Proteze svojom snagom nežno pritiskaju zube potičući ih da se pomeraju u pravcu pravilnog poravnanja zuba. Najbolji rezultati se postižu kod dece kad im zubi još uvek rastu, ali i kod odraslih se može raditi ortodontski tretman, iako kod njih proces traje mnogo duže.


Ortodont će proceniti koji zubi moraju biti poravnati i napraviće fiksni ili mobilni ortodontski aparat (protezu), koji se može podešavati tokom lečenja kako bi se postigao željeni efekat. Fiksni aparat, kako njegovo ime govori, postavlja se na zube na početku i uklanja na kraju tretmana, dok se mobilni aparat može skinuti tokom jela ili čišćenja, ali se uglavnom nosi tokom celog dana i noći.


Šta uzrokuje loš zagrižaj?

  • Povreda – polomljen ili izbijen zub kod deteta tokom rasta
  • Dugotrajno sisanje palca ili upotreba cucle – može dovesti do izražene protruzije gornjih zuba nad donjim zubima.
  • Zabadanje jezika prilikom gutanja – može takođe dovesti do izražene protruzije gornjih zuba nad donjim zubima.
  • Preran gubitak mlečnih zuba – rezultira:

Izbijanjem stalnih zuba na pogrešan način, zbijenim ili delimično izraslim zubima

Zub koji se nalazio pored izgubljenog zuba se premešta u prazan prostor i onemogućava izbijanje stalnog zuba.




Pogledajte demonstracioni video na engleskom jeziku:

Zašto je ortodontska terapija važna?

  • Korisna je za dugoročno zdravlje zuba:

Ispravno poravnati zubi omogućavaju lakše za održavanje dobre oralne higijene

Smanjuje rizik od kvarenja zuba.

  • Poboljšava žvakanje i probavu:

Budući da osobe s lošim zagrižajem žvakću manje efikasno, to može, u težim slučajevima, dovesti do nedostataka u ishrani.

  • Poboljšava govor:

Krivo postavljeni gornji i donji zubi mogu uzrokovati poteškoće u govoru.

  • Sprečava preterano trošenje površina zadnjih zuba:

Budući da su zubi izloženi velikoj sili kada grizemo, kodosoba s nepravilnim zagrižajem, zadnji zubi će se verovatno istrošiti brže.

U kom uzrastu se može otići na ortodontski pregled i započeti lečenje?
  • U ranom detinjstvu – prvi pregled sa 7 godina, do kada se dovoljno stalnih zuba pojavilo, pomaže da se identifikuju potencijalni problemi. Nemojte čekati da svi stalni zubi izrastu, što ranije počnete tretman, rezultati su bolji.
  • Tokom puberteta i tinejdžerskih godina – svi stalni zubi su nikli, a tretman je najefikasniji u ovom uzrastu.
  • U odraslom dobu – komplikovanije i često zahteva više od jedne stomatološke specijalnosti da bi se u potpunosti ispravio problem.



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Orthodontics is a branch of dentistry that deals with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of irregularities of teeth and jaw structures.

Malocclusion – Bad bite occurs when tooth or jaw structures can not be properly fixed together, to lie close to  each other properly. Malocclusion can cause speech difficulty, premature wear of teeth and protective enamel and can increase the chances of dental and jaw joint diseases.


Orthodontic irregularities are generally treated with braces. Braces are usually made from wires and springs attached to tiny metal plates or a plastic mould. Braces apply gentle forces to teeth and encourage them to to move slowly to adopt a different alignment. The best orthodontic results are achieved with children when their teeth are still growing; many adults have orthodontic treatment, but the process takes much longer.


The orthodontist will assess the teeth that need to be aligned and create either a fixed or removable brace, which can be adjusted during the course of the treatment to achieve the desired effect. The fixed braces, as their name implies, are permanent fixtures and are removed at the end of the treatment period, whereas removable braces can be taken off for eating and cleaning but are generally worn at all other times


What causesbad bite?

  • Trauma —fractured or knocked-out teeth in a growing child that, on replacement, fuses with the bone that surrounds them, resulting in an improper line up in the jaw
  • Prolonged thumb-sucking or pacifier use — can result in pronounced protrusion of upper teeth over the lower teeth.
  • Tongue-thrusting while swallowing — can result in pronounced protrusion of upper teeth over the lower teeth.
  • Premature loss of baby teeth — causing:

The permanent tooth to erupt incorrectly, resulting in crowded or partially erupted teeth.

The teeth next to the primary tooth to move into the vacant space and prevent the eruption of permanent tooth.





Why is orthodontic treatment crucial?

  • Beneficial in long-term dental health:

Properly aligned teeth are easier to maintain with proper oral hygiene.

Reduces the risk of tooth decay.

  • Improves chewing and digestion:

Since people with bad bites chew less efficiently, it can, in severe cases, result in nutritional deficiencies.

  • Improves speech:

Misaligned upper and lower teeth can cause speaking difficulties.

  • Prevents premature wearing of back-tooth surfaces:

Since the teeth withstand a tremendous amount of force when one bites down, in the case of people with improper bites, the back teeth are likely to wear out more quickly.

At what age can one start orthodontic screening and treatment?

  • Early childhood – you can have an orthodontic screening from the age of 7, by which time enough of the permanent teeth would have emerged, helping to identify potential problems. Do not wait for all the permanent teeth erupt in the mouth, as the earlier you start, the more the advantages.
  • During adolescent and teenage years – all permanent teeth would have come in by now, and treatment is most effective at this age
  • At adulthood – more complicated and often requires more than one dental professional to fully correct a problem.


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