Čišćenje zuba koncem važan je deo oralne higijene. Redovnim korišćenjem zubnog konca vrši se prevencija bolesti zuba i desni. Nagađa se da bolesti desni pogađaju oko čak 75% populacije i jedan su od glavnih uzroka gubitka zuba kod odraslih osoba. Navedene bolesti moguće je lako sprečiti redovnim pranjem zuba četkicom i čišćenjem zuba koncem.

Nedavno vršena istraživanja odredila su vezu između bolesti desni i povećanog rizika od srčane bolesti i moždanog udara. Održavanje dobrog režima oralne higijene  pomaže pri eliminaciji faktora upale povezanih s bolestima desni. Na taj način se  potencijalno smanjuje rizik od bolesti srca i moždanog udara. U principu, održavanje dobrih navika oralne higijene može sprečiti ozbiljnije zdravstvene komplikacije.

Mnogi ljudi ne shvataju važnost čišćenja zuba koncem, verujući da je pranje zuba četkicom dovoljno za uklanjanje plaka, lepljive materije koja sadrži bakterije iformira na površini zuba i između njih.

Pranje zuba četkicom otklanja plak s površine zuba, a čišćenje zuba koncem ili sličnim međuzubnim čistačima može ukloniti plak koji se akumulira između zuba (u interdentalnom prostoru).

Zubni plak može nadražiti desni do te mere da počinju da krvare i postaju crvene i upaljene. Ako se plak ne uklanja iz međuzubnog prostora, desni mogu početi da se povlače. Kada se ovo dogodi, bakterije, te gnojne kesice (gnojni džepovi) koje se razvijaju na tom mestu mogu dovesti do uništenja kosti koja podupire zub. Jednom kada se kost uništi, zubi će se razmrdati, biće izgubljeni ili će biti potrebno njihovo vađenje.Pogledajte demonstracioni video na engleskom jeziku:


Procedura čišćenja zuba koncem:

Izaberite vrstu zubnog konca koju ćete da koristite.

Otkinite deo konca 45 do 50 cm dužine.

Namotajte zubni konac oko srednjeg prsta ili kažiprsta, kako god Vam je lakše.

Drugi,slobodni kraj konca namotajte oko suprotnog prsta (isti prst na drugoj ruci). Taj prst će uzimati i otklanjati deo konca koji postaje prljav nakon što je iskorišćen za čišćenje zuba.

Konac držite čvrsto između prsta i palca (3 do 5 cm). Palac možete koristiti za usmeravanje konca između gornjih zuba, a prst koji ste izabrali za usmeravanje između donjih zuba.

Nežno umetnite zubni konac između zuba (laganim cik-cak pokretima). Nikad ne nabijajte konac u desni jer ih to može oštetiti.

Nakon što umetnete konac, lagano ga pomerajte napred-nazad ispod desni i oko zuba na obe strane. Koncem pratite obline zuba.

Kada konac dođe do desni, savijte konac u oblik latiničnog slova C oko zuba. Blago klizite koncem u prostoru između desni i zuba.

Ponovite ovaj postupak na svim Vašim zubima.

Postavite ruke u položaj koji Vam omogućava da dosegnete najudaljenije zube.

Važno je očistiti i zadnji deo poslednjeg zuba.

Ljudi koji imaju poteškoća s rukovanjem zubnim koncem mogukoristiti druge vrste međuzubnih čistača. Tu spadaju posebne četkice i štapići. Ako se odlučite za neki drugi međuzubni čistač, pitajte svog stomatologa o tome kako da ih pravilno koristite, kako bi se izbegle eventualne povrede desni.


Simple Steps to Dental Health

Web Dental Office

American Dental Association


Flossing in between your teeth is an essential oral hygiene practice for avoiding gum disease and preventing tooth decay. Also known as periodontal disease or periodontitis, gum disease affects 75 percent of people and is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults. Pervasive as the oral disease may be, it can be easily prevented by brushing and flossing your teeth.

Recent studies have determined a link between gum disease and increased risk of heart disease and stroke. Maintaining a good oral hygiene regimen may help to eliminate the inflammation factor associated with gum disease, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. In general, maintaining good oral hygiene habits may help prevent more serious health complications.

Many people don’t realize the importance of flossing and often forego the hygienic practice, believing that tooth brushing is adequate for the removal of plaque, the sticky substance that forms on the surface of and in between the teeth.

Tooth brushing removes plaque from the surfaces of the teeth, but only flossing can remove plaque that accumulates in between the teeth.

Dental plaque can also irritate the gums to the extent that they bleed easily and become red and tender. If plaque is not removed from in between the teeth with dental floss, the gums can eventually start to pull away (recede) from the teeth. When this happens, bacteria and pus-filled pockets can develop and the bone that supports the teeth can be destroyed. Once the bone is destroyed, the teeth will loosen and/or require removal.

Demo video:

Dental Flossing Procedure:  

Select the type of dental floss that you will be using. Some people likes any type of floss that is waxed because it seems to glide through their teeth better. Among the different kinds of floss are dental tape, waxed floss, woven floss and unwaxed floss. Your hygienist or dentist can recommend which is most appropriate for you.

Tear off a piece of dental floss about 18 inches long.

Wrap the dental floss around one of your fingers, either the index or middle finger, whichever feels more comfortable.

Wrap the loose end of the dental floss around an opposite finger (the same finger of the opposite hand). This finger will take up the floss as it becomes dirty.

Hold the floss tightly between your finger and thumb.

Gently insert the dental floss in between your teeth.  Never snap the floss into the gums. Snapping it could damage your gums.

After the floss is inserted, gently move it back and forth underneath the gum and against the tooth on both sides. Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion.

When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.

Hold the floss tightly against the tooth. Gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up and down motions.

Repeat this method on the rest of your teeth.

Position your hands so that they feel comfortable when reaching the back teeth. Be sure to floss all of your teeth, upper and lower.

It is important to floss behind the very back teeth and the back of teeth where a tooth is missing.

People who have difficulty handling dental floss may prefer to use another kind of interdental cleaner. These aids include special brushes, picks or sticks. If you use interdental cleaners, ask your dentist about how to use them properly, to avoid injuring your gums.


Simple Steps to Dental Health

Web Dental Office

American Dental Association
