Kosovčević – stomatološka klinika
Smiljanićeva 35, 11000 Beograd
tel: +381 11 245 46 68, +381 11 244 17 27, +381 65 444 17 27
e-mail: klinika@kosovcevic.rs
web: www.kosovcevic.rs
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Stomatološka klinika Kosovčević poseduje dugu tradiciju, veliko znanje i dragoceno iskustvo u prevenciji i lečenju svih vrsta oboljenja i problema u stomatologiji kod dece i odraslih.
Osnovana je daleke 1954. godine u Beogradu od strane Profesora Miodraga Kosovčevića. Pedesetopetogodišnje iskustvo i veliki broj zadovoljnih pacijenata garancija su našeg kvaliteta.
Vrhunski tim stručnjaka pokriva sve oblasti stomatološke prakse. Uz primenu najmodernijih tehnika i metoda u mogućnosti smo da u svakom trenutku brzo i kvalitetno odgovorimo Vašem zahtevu.
Naš tim stomatologa poseduje veliko znanje i iskustvo stečeno višegodišnjim radom na Stomatološkom fakultetu, kao i dugogodišnjim usavršavanjima na domaćim i međunarodnim kongresima i simpozijumima.
Tim stručnjaka čine:
- Dr sci Mr sci, Dr Zoran Kosovčević, spec. bolesti usta i zuba
- Prof Dr sci, Dr Miodrag Kosovčević, spec. stomatološke protetike
- Prof Dr sci, Dr Ankica Jakovljević, spec. bolesti usta i zuba
- Prof Dr sci, Dr Momir Carević, spec. dečije i preventivne stomatologije
- Mr sci, Dr Branislava Jovanović–Stanojević
Klinika Kosovčević pruža sve vrste stomatoloških usluga, te na taj način rešenje za sve vaše stomatološke probleme mozete naći na jednom mestu.
Od brojnih usluga navešćemo samo neke:
- Nadoknade izgubljenih zuba dentalnim implantatima.
- Oralno-hiruške intervencije.
- Lecenje parodontopatija hiruškom i konzervativnom metodom.
- Protetsko zbrinjavanje zuba visokokvalitetnim keramičkim krunicama i mostovima.
- Totalne i parcijalne proteze.
- Preventivna i dečija stomatologija.
- Primarna i sekundarna profilaksa.
- Ortodontsko ispravljanje zuba kod dece i odraslih.
- Estetska stomatologija: Beljenje zuba, Estetski ispuni, Zubni nakit.
Od aprila 2009. godine, Stomatološka klinika Kosovćević se nalazi u novom, moderanom prostoru u ulici Smiljanićeva 35. U prijatnoj atmosferi savremeno uređenog prostora možete dobiti sve vrste usluga primarne stomatološke profilakse i sve vidove lečenja oboljenja usta i zuba (hiruške i konzervatine) uz primenu najsavremenije opreme i najmodernijih tehnika .
Naš princip rada zasniva se na poverenju, a prvi korak je besplatan pregled koji klinika Kosovčević nudi svojim pacijentima.
Zakažite Vaš pregled online na našem web-sajtu: www.kosovcevic.rs
Naziv: Kosovčević – stomatološka klinika
Adresa: Smiljanićeva 35
Mesto: 11000 Beograd
Telefon: +381 11 245 46 68, +381 11 244 17 27, +381 65 444 17 27
E-mail: klinika@kosovcevic.rs
Web: www.kosovcevic.rs
Kosovčević – Dental Clinic
Smiljanićeva 35, 11000 Beograd
tel: +381 11 245 46 68, +381 11 244 17 27, +381 65 444 17 27
e-mail: klinika@kosovcevic.rs
web: www.kosovcevic.rs
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Dental Clinic Kosovcevic has a long tradition, great knowledge and valuable experience in the prevention and treatment of all types of diseases and problems in children and adult dentistry. It was founded in distant 1954 in Belgrade by professor Miodrag Kosovcevic. 55 years of experience and many satisfied patients are the guarantee of our quality.
Our team of experts cover all areas of dental practice. By applying the most modern techniques and methods we can quickly and efficiently respond to your request at any time.
Our team of dentists has great knowledge and experience gained by many years of work in the Faculty of Dentistry, as well as long training on domestic and international congresses and symposiums.
A team of experts includes:
Dr Sci Ms, Dr Zoran Kosovcevic, teeth and mouth diseases specialist
Prof Dr Sci, Dr Miodrag Kosovcevic, dentistry prosthetics spesialist
Prof Dr Sci, Dr Ankica Jakovljevic, teeth and mouth diseases specialist
Prof Dr Sci, Dr Momir Carevic, cildren and preventive dentistry specialist
Ms Sci, Dr Branislava Jovanovic–Stanojevic
Kosovcevic Clinic provides all types of dental services, and thus the solution for all your dental problems can be found in one place. Of the numerous services we’ll list just a few:
- Dental implants.
- Oral-surgical interventions.
- Periodontitis Treatment – surgical and conservative methods.
- Prosthetics – high quality ceramic dental crowns and bridges.
- Total or partial dentures.
- Preventive and Children Dentistry.
- Primary and secondary prophylaxis.
- Orthodontic teeth correction – children and adults.
- Cosmetic dentistry: Teeth whitening, aesthetic fillings, dental jewelry.
From April, 2009 Dental Clinic Kosovcevic is located in the new, modern facillity in Smiljaniceva 35. In the pleasant atmosphere of a modern interior you can get all kinds of services of primary dental prophylaxis and treatment of all types of mouth and teeth diseases (surgical and conservative) using the latest equipment and the most modern techniques.
Our working principle is based on trust, and the first step is free examination that Dental clinic Kosovcevic offers to its patients.
Make Your appointment online at our website: www.kosovcevic.rs
Location (click on the photo for larger view):
Name: Kosovcevic – Dental Clinic
Address: Smiljaniceva 35
City: 11 000 Belgrade
Telephone: +381 11 245 46 68, +381 11 244 17 27, +381 65 444 17 27
E-mail: klinika@kosovcevic.rs
Web: www.kosovcevic.rs