Parodont – stomatološka ordinacija
Miloja Pavlovića 10/II-3, 34 000 Kragujevac
tel: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
fax: +381 34 36 04 36
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Stomatološka ordinacija je opremljena najmodernijom opremom i raspolaže sa materijalima vodećih svetskih proizvođača. I pored toga trudili smo se da cene usluga prilagodimo našem standardu i budemo povoljniji u odnosu na cene stomatoloških usluga drugih. Pored osnovih usluga iz oblasti popravke zuba, ekstrakcije zuba, protetike, zubne hirurgije i estetske stomatologije, jedna smo od retkih stomatoloških ordinacija na području Srbije koja pruža usluge iz oblasti kompletne parodontologije i implantologije.
Video: Parodontologija
Video: Implantologija
Dugogodišnje iskustvo bavljenja stomatologijom Prim. Mr. sci Simić Dr. Momčila, entuzijazam doktora Vladimira Simića i ljubaznost našeg osoblja garantovaće vam kvalitet stomatoloških usluga i bezbolne tretmane.
Stomatološka ordinacija ‘’Parodont’’ opremljena je najmodernijim aparatima za rad, posebno iz oblasti moderne protetike, hirurgije, naročito parodontalne hirurgije, implantologije Straumann i ostalo. Koristi materijale vodećih svetskih proizvođača. U stomatološkoj ordinaciji ‘’Parodont’’ Vas očekuju doktori stomatologije razlicitih profila.
Zubno tehnička laboratorija sa kojom sarađuje stomatološka ordinacija ‘’Parodont’’ je opremljena i CAD/CAM opremom. Laboratorija izrađuje sve vrste standardnih zubnih nadoknada, prema indikacijama stomatologa, kako mobilnih tako i fiksnih. Takođe nudi i protetske radove iz domena moderne protetike, od više vrsta bezmetalnih restauracija, do nadoknada na titan osnovi, u zavisnosti od vrsta indikacija.
2. Bolesti zuba sa endodoncijom
4. Oralna i mukogingivalna hirurgija
7. Protetika
Cenovnik usluga možete videti ovde.
Estetska stomatologija:
Video:Beljenje zuba
Besplatan pregled
Prvi pregled kao i kontrolni u stomatološkoj ordinaciji ’’Parodont’’ su besplatni. Pregledom ćete saznati o Vašem stomatološkom problemu i kako ga se rešiti. U toku pregleda se dobija informacija kojim sve metodama se može rešiti lečenje bolesti u Vašim ustima. I na kraju se može dobiti obaveštenje o ceni stomatoloških usluga.
Radno vreme: Radnim danom od 09h do 14h i 0d 17h do 20h, subotom od 09h do 14h
Lokacija (kliknite na fotografiju za veći prikaz):
Naziv: Parodont – stomatološka ordinacija
Adresa: Miloja Pavlovića 10/II-3
Mesto: 34 000 Kragujevac
Telefon: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
Parodont – Dental Practice
Miloja Pavlovića 10/II-3, 34 000 Kragujevac
tel: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
fax: +381 34 36 04 36
no images were found
Dental Practice Parodont is equipped with most advanced equipment and materials produced by world’s leading manufacturers. Nevertheless, we tried to adjust the price of our services to our living standards and be more favorable compared to the prices of dental services in other practices. In addition to basic services in the field of teeth restoration, teeth extraction, prosthetics, dental surgery and cosmetic dentistry, we are one of the few dental practices in Serbia, which offers complete services in the field of periodontology and implantology. Long time experience of Prim. Mr. sci Dr. Momcilo Simic, enthusiasm of Dr Vladimir Simic and friendliness of our staff guarantee you a quality service and painless dental treatments.
Video: Periodontology
Video: Implantology
Long time experience of Prim. Mr. sci Dr. Momcilo Simic, enthusiasm of Dr Vladimir Simic and friendliness of our staff guarantee you a quality service and painless dental treatments.
Dental Practice Parodont is equipped with the work appliances of the latest generation, particularly in the field of modern prosthetic, surgery, especially periodontal surgery, implantology Straumann, and other. We use materials of leading world producers. Experts of different profiles expect you in our dental practice.
We cooperate with dental technique laboratory equipped with CAD / CAM equipment. Laboratory makes all kinds of standard dental restorations, mobile and fixed, according to the dentist’s indications. It also provides prosthetic work in the domain of modern prosthetic, several types of non-metal restoration, with titanium basis, depending on the type of indication.
2. Endodontics
4. Oral Surgery
6. Implantology
7. Prosthetics
Price list see here.
Cosmetic Dentistry:
Video: Teeth Whitening
Free Examination
First and control examination in dental practice””Parodont are free of charge. After examination you will find out what are your dental problems and how they can be solved, information about methods of treatment, and finally you can get information about the price of dental services you need.
Working Hours: Working Days 09h to 14h and 17h to20h, Saturdays 09h to 14h
Location (click on the photo for larger view):
Name: Parodont – Dental Practice
Address: Miloja Pavlovica 10/II-3
City: 34 000 Kragujevac
Telephone: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
no images were found
Stomatološka ordinacija je opremljena najmodernijom opremom i raspolaže sa materijalima vodećih svetskih proizvođača. I pored toga trudili smo se da cene usluga prilagodimo našem standardu i budemo povoljniji u odnosu na cene stomatoloških usluga drugih. Pored osnovih usluga iz oblasti popravke zuba, ekstrakcije zuba, protetike, zubne hirurgije i estetske stomatologije, jedna smo od retkih stomatoloških ordinacija na području Srbije koja pruža usluge iz oblasti kompletne parodontologije i implantologije.
Video: Parodontologija
Video: Implantologija
Dugogodišnje iskustvo bavljenja stomatologijom Prim. Mr. sci Simić Dr. Momčila, entuzijazam doktora Vladimira Simića i ljubaznost našeg osoblja garantovaće vam kvalitet stomatoloških usluga i bezbolne tretmane.
Stomatološka ordinacija ‘’Parodont’’ opremljena je najmodernijim aparatima za rad, posebno iz oblasti moderne protetike, hirurgije, naročito parodontalne hirurgije, implantologije Straumann i ostalo. Koristi materijale vodećih svetskih proizvođača. U stomatološkoj ordinaciji ‘’Parodont’’ Vas očekuju doktori stomatologije razlicitih profila.
Zubno tehnička laboratorija sa kojom sarađuje stomatološka ordinacija ‘’Parodont’’ je opremljena i CAD/CAM opremom. Laboratorija izrađuje sve vrste standardnih zubnih nadoknada, prema indikacijama stomatologa, kako mobilnih tako i fiksnih. Takođe nudi i protetske radove iz domena moderne protetike, od više vrsta bezmetalnih restauracija, do nadoknada na titan osnovi, u zavisnosti od vrsta indikacija.
2. Bolesti zuba sa endodoncijom
4. Oralna i mukogingivalna hirurgija
7. Protetika
Cenovnik usluga možete videti ovde.
Estetska stomatologija:
Video:Beljenje zuba
Besplatan pregled
Radno vreme: Radnim danom od 09h do 14h i 0d 17h do 20h, subotom od 09h do 14h
Naziv: Parodont – stomatološka ordinacija
Adresa: Miloja Pavlovića 10/II-3
Mesto: 34 000 Kragujevac
Telefon: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
Parodont – Dental Practice
Miloja Pavlovića 10/II-3, 34 000 Kragujevac
tel: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700
fax: +381 34 36 04 36
no images were found
Dental Practice Parodont is equipped with most advanced equipment and materials produced by world’s leading manufacturers. Nevertheless, we tried to adjust the price of our services to our living standards and be more favorable compared to the prices of dental services in other practices. In addition to basic services in the field of teeth restoration, teeth extraction, prosthetics, dental surgery and cosmetic dentistry, we are one of the few dental practices in Serbia, which offers complete services in the field of periodontology and implantology. Long time experience of Prim. Mr. sci Dr. Momcilo Simic, enthusiasm of Dr Vladimir Simic and friendliness of our staff guarantee you a quality service and painless dental treatments.
Video: Periodontology
Video: Implantology
Long time experience of Prim. Mr. sci Dr. Momcilo Simic, enthusiasm of Dr Vladimir Simic and friendliness of our staff guarantee you a quality service and painless dental treatments.
Dental Practice Parodont is equipped with the work appliances of the latest generation, particularly in the field of modern prosthetic, surgery, especially periodontal surgery, implantology Straumann, and other. We use materials of leading world producers. Experts of different profiles expect you in our dental practice.
We cooperate with dental technique laboratory equipped with CAD / CAM equipment. Laboratory makes all kinds of standard dental restorations, mobile and fixed, according to the dentist’s indications. It also provides prosthetic work in the domain of modern prosthetic, several types of non-metal restoration, with titanium basis, depending on the type of indication.
2. Endodontics
4. Oral Surgery
6. Implantology
7. Prosthetics
Price list see here.
Cosmetic Dentistry:
Video: Teeth Whitening
Free Examination
First and control examination in dental practice””Parodont are free of charge. After examination you will find out what are your dental problems and how they can be solved, information about methods of treatment, and finally you can get information about the price of dental services you need.
Working Hours: Working Days 09h to 14h and 17h to20h, Saturdays 09h to 14h
Location (click on the photo for larger view):
Name: Parodont – Dental Practice
Address: Miloja Pavlovica 10/II-3
City: 34 000 Kragujevac
Telephone: +381 34 333 506, +381 34 388 700